Healthy Nutrition



Nutrition Pyramid


List of healthy diet


In order to learn the alimentary habits of the students of our school, we made a research. The research included questions regarding their alimentary habits



The children and the adults should avoid eating:

Snacks, crisps, and all the standardised products.

Croissant, pastries, chocolates, ice-creams, candies.

When we drink milk or juice we should not add to much sugar.

Meat with a lot of grease or cold meat with a lot of grease.

 Roasted brown delicacies. Refreshments containing chemical substances.

Alcoholic drinks.

Greasy sauces (mayonnaise). Butter,

White bread.



1. You always eat breakfast in the morning and you should not go to school hungry. You should get used to drink milk or juices of fruits, without sugar. It is preferable that you make your juices alone from fresh fruits that exist in the house. Eat black or half-white bread (total milling) or a bun.  

Measurement of Weight-height

We measure the height and weight of the students. Then the students (E Class) found the Indicator of Mass of Body of each one and drew a diagram.

2. In kolatsjo' you buy natural juices or sandwiches, without greasy cold meat such as ham and bacon. A yoghurt or rice pudding, a fruit (apple) or a bun with cheese, constitute good alternative solutions.
3. Meat or chicken you should eat once or twice a week  
4. You should eat twice or three times a week legumes and vegetables.  


A chance was given to the children to express themselves figuratively, making an advertisement on a fantastic product.

5. At least once a week you should eat fresh fish.

6. To your lunch or supper a fresh salad must exists.
7. If you are hungry in the afternoon, you should eat a fruit.
8. You should eat sweets or ice-cream or candy once a week in small quantities.    
9. Learning to eat: a)in regular hours, b)slow and quietly, c)small quantities. The obesity constitutes danger for your health.  

Planning a weekly diet.

We made a reference in the groups of food and the nutritious substances each group provides. The students made a collage with the groups of food. Afterwards we made lists and we separated them according to the foods that the students consume during one random week. Foods and proverbs

We tried and we found proverbs concerning food, something entertained us but also taught us the importance of a right diet.

Healthy and useful food:

Black bread,


Fruits and natural juices,

Milk, cheese (none fat),

Legumes and none fat meat,

Olive oil,


10. Always remember that in order to buy food that has nutritious value you should not be deceived by the one who sells it. That is the reason why all none nutritious food is beneficial in appearance.  
11. Finally, you should always remember that when you want to quench your thirst there is nothing better than water. When you want to extinguish your thirst, the most suitable way is to drink a glass of water


Sanis Christos – Nisiriou Stella

Grades: C΄1 – E΄   

Students: 34 



During the day we only eat a completed meal.

Avoid pastas, sweets and refreshments.

Do not eat between meals.

Avoid greases, sauces and roasted brown delicacies.



We visited the Cheese Dairy of our region so that the students have a direct contact with milk and its products, the way that they are made and their disposal in the market.

