Water source of life – Management of aquatic resources


The water is the integral element of everyday routine of all. It is precious and irreplaceable for the person. Its presence or its lack determines the way of life of the residents of a region and influences economical, social and cultural conditions. The students participating in experiments, research on the spot, explorations, manufactures, games of roles and what contributes in the investigation of value of water, conceive that perhaps we do not know enough for it, so that we appreciate it as we should and as long as we could.


students create ground

Visit to the C.E.E of Vertiskos.

We visited the C.E.E (Centre of Environmental Education) of Vertiskos, we participated in the program of the centre about the water, with activities of general interest, and the circle of water. The students were informed for the circle of water, they dramatized it, played games regarding the subject, solved crosswords and puzzles, wrote poems, and made paintings referring to water. Finally they completed the evaluation sheets, and they visited the collection of folklore material, in the C.E.E


Visiting the Water Museum of Thessaloniki.


Visiting the Centre of Environmental Education of Edessa


Mrs Zikoudi Antonia (chemist of Municipality Axios) visiting primary school


Visiting the Centre of Environmental Education of Axios River in Chalastra village.


The Adventures of

“Little Drop”

It was a shining morning of July. “Little Drop” had woken up and washed his face. After he ate his breakfast he felt like he was going up. A force was pulling him up. “What was that?” he wondered. The newspapers had not written anything about this.  “Is it the gravity or something else?” As long as it was going up...


How would Lignite narrate his story?

I am the Lignite. My age is 10 billion years. I live under the ground. I go to the 2nd University of Ptolemaida. You will wonder why someone with my age goes to school. I go to school, but I do not read, because I spent my time in the factories....

