Our School

The first school was build next to the church of Saint Athanassios. However, before the 2nd World War, the building was ruined and the school was accommodated in another building. This building was elongated, made from bricks and stone, enough tall for its season. It exists even today. The first schoolteacher and director of this school was Mr. Vasilis Morphiadis.


The current building was build and inaugurated in 1958 after persistent actions of Mr. Stelios Morphiadis, director of the school at the time. The expenses for the new building were covered mainly from contributions of residents of the village.


Today our school has 133 students and 13 teachers (with the specialities). It functions as day-long and is equipped with a room of multiple uses and a room of computers.



Êorai 1 -  57007

Adendro - Greece

Ôel: 2391031247

fax: 2391032061

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